



Welcome to Mount Yuntai Scenic Area.

Yuntai Mountain is a national scenic area, the first batch of national5A grade scenic spot and the world's first World Geological Park, located in Henan Jiaozuo County, south of Taihang Mountain, Jin the interchange, a total area of 190square kilometers. Yuntai Mountain red stone Canyon, Lake Waterfall gorge, Quanbao gap, Qinglong Gorge, peak forest gap, macaque Valley, cornel peak, Diecai ce, Wan Shan Temple, ovary lake,100rock eleven spots, is punishable by a rift structure, water dynamic action and geological and geomorphic landscape, natural ecology and humanities landscape as a supplement to the peak and valley, staggered, bristling with waterfalls, cliffs and stream pool features, Jimei science value and science value in a comprehensive scenic area.





我们去了颐和园的英文翻译为:We went to the Summer Palace。

The Summer Palace,the imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty in China,formerly known as the Qingyi Garden, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing,15 kilometers away from the urban area,covering an area of about 290 hectares,adjacent to the Yuanmingyuan。




1961年3月4日,颐和园被公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位,与同时公布的承德避暑山庄、拙政园、留园并称为中国四大名园,2007年5月8日,颐和园经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。 2009年,颐和园入选中国世界纪录协会中国现存最大的园林。


Songshan is located in the west of Henan Province, is located in Dengfeng City, Henan Province, Northwest China, is in the middle. In 1982, Songshan in the name of Henan Songshan scenic area, was roved by the State Council included in the first list of state-level scenic spots. In February 13, 2004 by UNESCO's division of Earth Sciences named the "world geological park". In May 8, 2007, Dengfeng City, Songshan Shaolin scenic area by the National Tourism Administration roval for the state 5A class tourist attractions. , a total area of 450 square kilometers, East in the provincial capital of Zhengzhou, the ancient capital of Luoyang on the west, the Yellow River to the north, Yinshui River to the south. Composed of Taishi mountain and Shaoshi mountain, the highest peak (Junji peak) 1491.7 meters.



Taishan Mountain is located in the central of Shandong Province. In ancient time, it was called Mt. Daishan or Mt.Daizong and was renamed Taishan Mountain during the Spring and Autumn Period, that was 770-476B.C.

Taishan Mountain was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987.The total area of the mountain is 426 square kilometers with a circumference of 80 kilometers.

The main peak, Jade Emperor Peak, rising 1,545 meters above sea level, is at the north of Tai'an city. The mountain is an early birthplace of China's ancient civilization and the area around was one of ancient China's political, economic and cultural centers. In history, there were total 72 emperors from Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties who built temples on it.?

After Qin Shihuang (246-209 B.C.), numerous emperors and scholars from various historical periods went to Taishan Mountain, which accounts for the large quantity of precious cultural relics.

Taishan Mountain has 72 majestic peaks, magnificent waterfalls, centuries-old pines and cypresses and fascinating rocks. There are five tourist zones and two routes up the mountain-one in the east and one in the west.?

They meet at Zhongtian Gate and there are 6,293 steps in the nine kilometers leading to the top. Scenic spots include Longtan Reservoir, Zhongtian Gate, Five-Doctor Pine, Duansong Hill, 18 Turns, South Gate to Heen, Bixia Tekmple, Zhanglu Terrace, Sun-Watching Peak, Moon-Watching Peak.

The four wonders of the mountain are Sun Rises from the East, Golden Belt Along the Yellow River, Beautiful Sunset and the Sea of Clouds. Other attractive spots are the Rare Rock Dock, Fan Cliff, Aolai Peak, Black Dragon Pool, Longevity Bridge, and the Dragon Pool Waterfall.

Running from Songshan Valley to the South Gate to Heen, on the top of Danshan Hill, is a path with 18 turns called Ladder to Heen. Although the path is little more than one?

kilometer long it rises 400 meters. The steps along the path are made of Tianshan schist. There is now a cable car from Zhongtian Gate to the top of Wangfu Hill.

Taishan Mountain is one of China's mountain parks and is a natural museum of history and art. Along its axis there are 1,800 stone sculptures including famous ones such as the Carved Road from the Qin dynasty, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra in Sutra Stone Valley, the Wordless Stone Tablet and the Scripture of Taishan Mountain History carved on Tangmo Cliff.?

Tiankuang Hall in the Daimiao Temple which is also on Taishan Mountain is one of the three great halls of China the other two are the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Beijing , and Dacheng Hall in Qufu.?

The 40 statues of arhat in the Thousand-Buddha Hall of the Lingyan Temple date to the Song Dynasty and are prized for their individuality and expressiveness.

























 Mingsha Mountain (Echoing-sand Mountain) and Crescent Spring Scenic Area

 The Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring Scenic Spot, is a national key scenic spot in Gansu, Province. Surrounded by Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Lake got its name due to its shape. The Mingsha Mountain was formed by quicksand and got its name due to the sounds from the sand flows. This scenic area, awarded "one of the five most beautiful deserts in China," is a national 5A-class tourist attraction.